Sections EN (all)
- Brexit Information: deliveries to and from the United Kingdom
- How much does shipping cost?
- How long do deliveries take?
- Can I track my order?
- Has my order been shipped?
- I haven’t received my order. Can you help me?
- How do I schedule a pick-up by DHL Express when returning an item?
- How much does it cost to return goods?
- How do I return a product?
- I have a complaint. What should I do and which guarantees apply?
- I have lost the return label. How can I send a return?
- Do I need Customs documents when I make return from UK & USA?
- Is it safe to shop online at Didriksons?
- Who is Klarna?
- What are my payment options with Klarna?
- How does Pay later in 30 days work?
- Am I eligible for Pay later in 30 days?
- Will a credit search take place against me?
- How should I wash my Didriksons jacket?
- Can I get help with spare parts for a garment?
- Where can I find information about the properties and features of a specific product?
- What do you mean by fully waterproof?
- What does taped/welded seams mean?
- When do I need to reimpregnate my Didriksons jacket?